This song reminds me of one of my coaches at tumbling. She has to stop being our coach because of her basketball games. This was her favorite song.
It's called Fireflies by Owl City.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Happy dance!
My Mom gave me an award! I love getting awards, any kind of award!

Now I have to list 10 things that make me super happy, so happy that I want to do a happy dance.
They are:
1. Snuggling with the dogs.
2. Snuggling with Mom and Dad.
3. Waking up to go to school.
4. Getting good grades.
5. Reading a good book, but I don't dance while I'm reading. That's just silly.
6. Winning competitions (or placing really high)
7. Giving a gift.
8. Going to tumbling.
9. Doing any kind of project (craft or school project)
10. Playing on the computer.
Thanks Mom for my first blog award, this was fun!

Now I have to list 10 things that make me super happy, so happy that I want to do a happy dance.
They are:
1. Snuggling with the dogs.
2. Snuggling with Mom and Dad.
3. Waking up to go to school.
4. Getting good grades.
5. Reading a good book, but I don't dance while I'm reading. That's just silly.
6. Winning competitions (or placing really high)
7. Giving a gift.
8. Going to tumbling.
9. Doing any kind of project (craft or school project)
10. Playing on the computer.
Thanks Mom for my first blog award, this was fun!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Feeling better!
I missed school on Monday but went back on Tuesday. This was a good thing because I had a busy day. After school we had a music program for the Board of Education's holiday dinner and then I had tumbling. I think we sang 6 or 7 songs, it was lots of fun! In tumbling I got my back handspring down while I was on the trampoline. Now I just really have to practice it on the mats. Our new routine doesn't call for a back handspring, but I really, really, really want to be able to do it.
My Mom's friend told us to do the snow dance tonight so that we don't have school tomorrow, but I WANT school, so I don't think I'm going to do it. Mom and Jakey are though.
My Mom's friend told us to do the snow dance tonight so that we don't have school tomorrow, but I WANT school, so I don't think I'm going to do it. Mom and Jakey are though.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I'm sick :(
I had so much fun at my Uncle Acka's surprise party last night but then in the middle of the night I got really sick. I got sick six times! My back hurt after the fourth time. My baby cousin was sick, my Aunt Katie is sick and so is her other niece. It's not fun. Momma is going to let me stay home tomorrow so I hope I'm better then. My G-pa told me I should feel much better tomorrow night, I sure hope he's right.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
My favorite country songs
I just love this song by Carrie Underwood. Mom always plays it really loud for me when it comes on. This is the video we saw on the Country Music Awards a few weeks ago.
This is Lady Antebellum. I love this song too and this is another one that Mom will play loud for me. She says it's a song that reminds her of Dad and reminds Dad of her.
This is Lady Antebellum. I love this song too and this is another one that Mom will play loud for me. She says it's a song that reminds her of Dad and reminds Dad of her.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
My biography
On May 27, 2001 a beautiful baby girl was brought into the world. Her name was Jocelyn. Jessica and Jason were truly blessed. When she was born she had a dog named Jewel. A couple of weeks after Jocelyn turned one, Jewel had to be put down because she had cancer in her leg. Then we got a new member of our family. It's our dog Sabrina. On March 4, 2005 Jessica had another child. His name is Jake. A few years later two new members joined our family. A guinea pig named Rapunzel and a frog named Froggy. In 2008, Jocelyn got a Rottie puppy, she named her Lexi.
The End!
The End!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I am a competition cheerleader!
I made the team!!!! Tryouts were a lot of fun, I wasn't nervous at all. We did the same routine we do for every half-time and every competition, so I knew exactly what I was doing. I'm not sure when our first competition is, I think we find out this week.
We had a fun weekend with my Daddy home. We went to my cheerleading banquet and got to stay up really late. It was nice outside so we got to play and I got to tumble all over the front yard. My Mom and Dad surprised us with a trip to the circus. They told Jakey and I we were going to a car show (I was thinking it would be really boring staring at cars, Jakey was excited). At the circus we saw tigers, elephants, clowns (which I don't like), acrobats, trapeze people, motorcycles, and horses. I'm so glad we could go. Daddy said that was my reward for a good grade card and that I should keep on being the best daughter.
This week we have a full week of school and then only a 3 day week for Turkey Day. Mom took us to Toys R Us to get the big toy book and I think we are going to write our letters to Santa while I'm off school. There are so many cool things in that book!
We had a fun weekend with my Daddy home. We went to my cheerleading banquet and got to stay up really late. It was nice outside so we got to play and I got to tumble all over the front yard. My Mom and Dad surprised us with a trip to the circus. They told Jakey and I we were going to a car show (I was thinking it would be really boring staring at cars, Jakey was excited). At the circus we saw tigers, elephants, clowns (which I don't like), acrobats, trapeze people, motorcycles, and horses. I'm so glad we could go. Daddy said that was my reward for a good grade card and that I should keep on being the best daughter.
This week we have a full week of school and then only a 3 day week for Turkey Day. Mom took us to Toys R Us to get the big toy book and I think we are going to write our letters to Santa while I'm off school. There are so many cool things in that book!
Monday, November 9, 2009
My update
Today I got tested for Big Leap. I was in Little Leap last year and I guess they have to retest us this year. It was me and 2 other kids from my class and the test lasted 2 1/2 hours. I had to miss Library because of the test. If I make it into Leap, I will go to another school for the day. My Aunt Katie works at this school, so I might get to see her each week.
On Wednesday I am going to try out for our schools competition cheerleading squad. Our football season ended on Sunday and I was sad that it was all done. So I'm really excited to try out and hopefully make this squad. If I make it we have a competition at Kalahari water park where we get to spend the night. That sounds super FUN!
On Wednesday I am going to try out for our schools competition cheerleading squad. Our football season ended on Sunday and I was sad that it was all done. So I'm really excited to try out and hopefully make this squad. If I make it we have a competition at Kalahari water park where we get to spend the night. That sounds super FUN!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Our Halloween
My Daddy and my Hubba took Jakey and I trick or treating this year. It was kind of cold, but we still had a lot of fun. I was an Asian Princess and Jakey was Bumblebee from Transformers. Jakey only walked around for an hour and then he wanted to stay at home with Mom and pass out candy. Daddy, Hubba and I went back out and got even more goodies. My Nana and G-pa brought us candy and so did Hubba. I just LOVE chocolate, but Mom only lets me have 2 pieces for my snack at night. Maybe it will last me til next Halloween then!
I didn't have to cheer this weekend because our football team wasn't in the championship. Next week is our last week and then I'm going to try out for the competition squad. I hope I make it!
Here is a picture of Jakey and I before we went trick or treating.
I didn't have to cheer this weekend because our football team wasn't in the championship. Next week is our last week and then I'm going to try out for the competition squad. I hope I make it!
Here is a picture of Jakey and I before we went trick or treating.

Friday, October 30, 2009
Happy and sad
Yesterday was such a fun day at school. We got to cheer before our pumpkin run! Then I came in 15th place which was the same as last year. We also had our Halloween parade and party too. After school we had our Chuck E. Cheese night. It was sooooo much fun. Jakey and I both got lots of cool things with our tickets. Before we cashed in our tickets, we had a little competition with Mom doing skee ball.
Today we didn't have school so we went grocery shopping with Mom, then we got to go to the library and when we got home, we carved pumpkins. The other night we painted little gourds and mini pumpkins. I made a face on mine and Jakey put colored pegs in his since he doesn't like touching the inside of the pumpkin. Mom made grilled cheese for dinner, but instead of soup we had yogurt because it was actually hot outside today. The thermometer in the car said 74!!! After dinner Mom was going to clean out Froggy's bowl when she said "Oh no." I looked at her and said "Froggy is dead?" I asked her to flush him down the toilet because I didn't want to see him. I've had him for almost 2 years. At least I still have Rapunzel (my guinea pig) and my 2 dogs.
Tomorrow we get to go trick or treating with my Daddy and Hubba. I'm super excited to dress up like an Asian Princess and get LOTS of candy!!!
Today we didn't have school so we went grocery shopping with Mom, then we got to go to the library and when we got home, we carved pumpkins. The other night we painted little gourds and mini pumpkins. I made a face on mine and Jakey put colored pegs in his since he doesn't like touching the inside of the pumpkin. Mom made grilled cheese for dinner, but instead of soup we had yogurt because it was actually hot outside today. The thermometer in the car said 74!!! After dinner Mom was going to clean out Froggy's bowl when she said "Oh no." I looked at her and said "Froggy is dead?" I asked her to flush him down the toilet because I didn't want to see him. I've had him for almost 2 years. At least I still have Rapunzel (my guinea pig) and my 2 dogs.
Tomorrow we get to go trick or treating with my Daddy and Hubba. I'm super excited to dress up like an Asian Princess and get LOTS of candy!!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Science Test
I got my Science test back and I got 109%!!!! It was on geology and rocks and earth material. I had the highest grade in my class.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
My 3 coaches
Momma got a picture with me and each of my coaches so that we could make picture frames for their gifts at the end of the season. I think my Mom said that she would put up the pictures of the frames on her blog, but I wanted to show you the pictures of my coaches.
Here is Coach Hailey

Coach Blake

and Coach Megan
Here is Coach Hailey

Coach Blake

and Coach Megan

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I did it!
At tumbling the other day I did my back flip by myself! I was on the spring floor and told my instructor that I was ready. And I did it! I just didn't land it the right way. I fell flat on the top of my head. Oops. I have to figure that part out before I can do that in any of our routines. We got a chance to do it on the trampoline too and I kept landing on my head.
Yesterday when I woke up my neck was really sore, but it got better as the day went on.
We have competition on Saturday and we changed our dance part of the routine and it's soooooooooooooooooooooo fun now! We all get to do cartwheels in one part and we get to do a lot of different jumps too. I hope we knock the socks off the judges on Saturday!
Yesterday when I woke up my neck was really sore, but it got better as the day went on.
We have competition on Saturday and we changed our dance part of the routine and it's soooooooooooooooooooooo fun now! We all get to do cartwheels in one part and we get to do a lot of different jumps too. I hope we knock the socks off the judges on Saturday!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
My week so far.
This week has gone by really fast.
Last Friday we went to the high school game and I got to see 2 of my coaches cheering. Mom said I was in a trance just watching all the cheers they did. Our team lost, but we still had fun. On Saturday my Hubba came over for dinner and we got to play Wii. He has a newer control so we played some bowling with that. It was boys against girls (Hubba and Jakey and Mom and me) and we won. Then when Mom and I played against Daddy and Jakey, we lost. Sundays are always football/cheer day. The weather is getting colder out, but it's still a ton of fun. I had a big cheering section this week. My Nana, my Grandma and Grandpa, Hubba, Acka, Aunt Katie, and Landyn came to see me.
Monday we had a big reading test and I was sooooooooooo excited to take it. Aunt Katie said that not many kids feel that way about tests. I don't know why not, tests are fun. We started practices 2 days a week now to get ready for practice, so we have it on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Daddy, Mom, and Jakey came to watch me at tumbling on Tuesday. Mom always comes, but I really liked that Daddy came. Jakey kept making faces at me and my friend said "Who's that strange dude?" HA HA
I hope we have more fun things planned!
Last Friday we went to the high school game and I got to see 2 of my coaches cheering. Mom said I was in a trance just watching all the cheers they did. Our team lost, but we still had fun. On Saturday my Hubba came over for dinner and we got to play Wii. He has a newer control so we played some bowling with that. It was boys against girls (Hubba and Jakey and Mom and me) and we won. Then when Mom and I played against Daddy and Jakey, we lost. Sundays are always football/cheer day. The weather is getting colder out, but it's still a ton of fun. I had a big cheering section this week. My Nana, my Grandma and Grandpa, Hubba, Acka, Aunt Katie, and Landyn came to see me.
Monday we had a big reading test and I was sooooooooooo excited to take it. Aunt Katie said that not many kids feel that way about tests. I don't know why not, tests are fun. We started practices 2 days a week now to get ready for practice, so we have it on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Daddy, Mom, and Jakey came to watch me at tumbling on Tuesday. Mom always comes, but I really liked that Daddy came. Jakey kept making faces at me and my friend said "Who's that strange dude?" HA HA
I hope we have more fun things planned!
Friday, October 2, 2009
The snake dance
This week is Homecoming week for our high school. We were asked to walk in the Snake Dance (a parade that takes us from one school to the high school's football field) last night. We had a big crowd and a lot of fun. Our principal gave us T-shirts to wear (they said Today I am Knight, when I grow up I want to be a Panther) and we started the parade.
Here is Taylor and I before the parade.

Here are us girls with Mrs. Lemle, my favorite music teacher.

More of my friends.

My cheerleading friends.

Daddy with his funny nose. The Homecoming theme is a Night at the Circus.

This is my cousin, Breanna. We are at the stadium.

This is our undefeated football team (just the Seniors). GO PANTHERS!!!!!

We are going to the game tonight to watch them play against another undefeated team. I'll get to see my coaches all cheering tonight too.
Here is Taylor and I before the parade.

Here are us girls with Mrs. Lemle, my favorite music teacher.

More of my friends.

My cheerleading friends.

Daddy with his funny nose. The Homecoming theme is a Night at the Circus.

This is my cousin, Breanna. We are at the stadium.

This is our undefeated football team (just the Seniors). GO PANTHERS!!!!!

We are going to the game tonight to watch them play against another undefeated team. I'll get to see my coaches all cheering tonight too.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
We had fun!
My Mom and Dad took us to the high school football game on Friday night and we had a lot of fun! I got to see 2 of my coaches, they weren't cheering, so I was able to talk to them for a little bit. They told me that they will be cheering at next week's game, so I should come and watch. I even saw the cheerleaders do a cheer that I know. Mom said I was smiling really big when they did that cheer.
My Mom's friend met us up there and she has the cutest little girl. She was shy at first but then she remembered who I was and started smiling.
We came home and had a snack, then got into our warm jammies and then we got to sleep in the living room! That's always a lot of fun!
My Mom's friend met us up there and she has the cutest little girl. She was shy at first but then she remembered who I was and started smiling.
We came home and had a snack, then got into our warm jammies and then we got to sleep in the living room! That's always a lot of fun!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Flipping update...
I can do my back handsprings on the spring floor now ALL BY MYSELF! My coach just puts her hand there so I know she's there and I do it completely by myself. If I can get it down really well, our cheerleading coach might be able to put that into our cheer routine!!! I'm so excited!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Football, blankets, and food
It was a bit chilly today when I came home from my sleepover (which was a lot of fun!), so we all were staying warm under blankets. We watched the Rockets and the Buckeyes game and then it was time to watch Notre Dame. Mom took us outside to play for a bit and when we came inside, this is how we found Daddy.

He's staying warm under a pink princess blanket!!!! It's mine Dad!

He's staying warm under a pink princess blanket!!!! It's mine Dad!
Friday, September 18, 2009
It's baby time
My Mom got to watch a baby yesterday and I was so excited to come home from school and see him. I just love babies and wish that my Mom would have a baby sister for me. When I got home, Alex was sleeping, so I camped out next to him and read a book. After he woke up and ate, then I got to hold him and play with him. Babies just smell so good.
Here are some pictures that my Mom took, even Jakey helped out.

I'm going to my friends house for a sleepover tonight. I told Mom that I'm a bit nervous and what if I don't want to stay. She told me that I'd be having so much fun and wouldn't even have time to think about her and Daddy and Jakey, but if I did get sad, I could call her and she'd come get me. I hope my friend likes what I got her for her birthday, it's a really pretty pink shirt (she LOVES pink, just like me) and a Hannah book.
Here are some pictures that my Mom took, even Jakey helped out.

I'm going to my friends house for a sleepover tonight. I told Mom that I'm a bit nervous and what if I don't want to stay. She told me that I'd be having so much fun and wouldn't even have time to think about her and Daddy and Jakey, but if I did get sad, I could call her and she'd come get me. I hope my friend likes what I got her for her birthday, it's a really pretty pink shirt (she LOVES pink, just like me) and a Hannah book.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Busy weekend!
We had a busy weekend because my Mom started bowling, we had the Notre Dame game to watch (they lost - my Dad was very sad), I had my first football game that I cheered at, and my Uncle Acka had a soccer game. He used to play in high school, so a few of his friends got together to play. They all looked pretty tired after the game!
Here are some pictures I took at his game. I hope he's not too sore today, they ran for a loooooooong time!
Acka is the one in the blue shirt.

He was blocking the goal.

Here is Jakey running like Acka.
Here are some pictures I took at his game. I hope he's not too sore today, they ran for a loooooooong time!
Acka is the one in the blue shirt.

He was blocking the goal.

Here is Jakey running like Acka.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I can do flips now!!!!
My Mom and Dad brought out my extra mattress to let me practice my flips some more and I CAN DO THEM NOW!!!!
Here is my back handspring.

I have to work a bit more on not letting my head hit the ground.

Almost stuck the landing this time.

Now here is my front tuck.

My hair in this picture makes me laugh!

Maybe next competition they can put my flips into a routine, that would be AWESOME!
Here is my back handspring.

I have to work a bit more on not letting my head hit the ground.

Almost stuck the landing this time.

Now here is my front tuck.

My hair in this picture makes me laugh!

Maybe next competition they can put my flips into a routine, that would be AWESOME!
Monday, September 7, 2009
I'm making bookmarks...
My Mom taught me how to use the sewing machine we are borrowing from my Nana. I made 2 bookmarks, one blue and one red. It was really awesome to use the sewing machine.
Here are Mom and I sewing.

Here are my bookmarks!

I have a cold now that school has started. Mom put Vicks on my feet last night and I didn't cough at all. I don't get how that works?!
School is still fun. We had our first book report due last Friday and I finished mine on Monday night! We've had some subtraction and addition fact tests, a spelling test, and a science test. The only thing I don't like is that they changed our recess into zones, it seems a bit silly to me.
Here are Mom and I sewing.

Here are my bookmarks!

I have a cold now that school has started. Mom put Vicks on my feet last night and I didn't cough at all. I don't get how that works?!
School is still fun. We had our first book report due last Friday and I finished mine on Monday night! We've had some subtraction and addition fact tests, a spelling test, and a science test. The only thing I don't like is that they changed our recess into zones, it seems a bit silly to me.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
2nd day of school!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
School is starting!!!
I got my dream teacher for my 3rd grade year! We will be switching classes but my homeroom teacher is so nice! We had cheerleading practice before our Open House last night and I couldn't wait for it to start. I took all my school supplies, saw some friends that I haven't seen since last school year and got to see all my favorite teachers. I have gym tomorrow, so I can't wear my cute outfit. I'll have my Mom post that tomorrow.
I'm soooooooooooo happy that school is finally here!!!
I'm soooooooooooo happy that school is finally here!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Another one bites the dust!
I lost another tooth yesterday and no Kanak, it's not from eating all that candy you used to give me! :) I didn't lose any teeth in second grade. Nana called me a "redneck girl" yesterday, isn't that funny? Mom calls me her toothless wonder. School starts next week so I can't wait to show everyone how many teeth I lost.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Another fun competition...
Yesterday we had a competition at Owens. All 3 of our squads came in 2nd place, it was neat that we all got trophies!
Here are some pictures of my fun day.
Harli and I, she's a Wildcat.

Carly, Rachel and I being silly after lunch.

Here I am holding the trophy.

We had a hair party the night before competition and our coaches did our hair. It didn't turn out very well and looked crazy in the morning, but one of the other Mom's fixed my hair and it looked really cute. We have one more competition later in the year but our games start soon. I hope we learn some more cheers soon!
Here are some pictures of my fun day.
Harli and I, she's a Wildcat.

Carly, Rachel and I being silly after lunch.

Here I am holding the trophy.

We had a hair party the night before competition and our coaches did our hair. It didn't turn out very well and looked crazy in the morning, but one of the other Mom's fixed my hair and it looked really cute. We have one more competition later in the year but our games start soon. I hope we learn some more cheers soon!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
My favorite summer books...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Funny video...
My Mom and I were looking for funny videos on the computer and we found this one. It is sooooooooooo funny! Mom and I were both laughing while we watched this, even Mackenzie (my Mom watches her) joined in and laughed too!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Another competition...
This week we have extra practices because on the 16th we are competing at Owens. I'm not sure how big this one is though. Instead of trying to win a spirit award, we have to bring in school supplies to help other kids. Whichever team brings in the most school supplies gets a special plaque.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
I'm falling apart.
I lost another tooth today while we were shopping for back to school clothes! It's right underneath the last one that I lost a couple days ago. Looks like the tooth fairy will come see me again tonight!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
New outfit...
Friday, July 31, 2009
This is Jojo's Mom typing this because she is off at cheer clinic today. She was so excited last night that it reminded me of Christmas Eve. She told me she wasn't going to think about the cheer clinic because she'd never fall asleep. She had to get up at 7 am and she sprang right out of bed when I walked into her room. We'll go see her perform (along with all the other squads) later today.
Here are 2 pictures of her from this morning. This outfit is just for clinics.

This is Jojo's favorite part of her outfit. The Nike swoosh has different colored plastic cards that you slip in to match your outfit. Plus she said the shoes are SUPER comfy!
Here are 2 pictures of her from this morning. This outfit is just for clinics.

This is Jojo's favorite part of her outfit. The Nike swoosh has different colored plastic cards that you slip in to match your outfit. Plus she said the shoes are SUPER comfy!

Monday, July 27, 2009
My favorite songs
Some of my favorite songs are:
Here we go again by Demi Lovato
Sneaker Night by Vanessa Hutchinson
Picture to Burn by Taylor Swift
Scream by Zac Efron
Let's Get Crazy by Hannah Montana
GNO by Miley Cyrus
Here we go again by Demi Lovato
Sneaker Night by Vanessa Hutchinson
Picture to Burn by Taylor Swift
Scream by Zac Efron
Let's Get Crazy by Hannah Montana
GNO by Miley Cyrus
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I got my cheerleading uniform!
Friday, July 24, 2009
My favorite TV show and movies
TV Shows
> Hannah Montana
> iCarly
> Sonny with a Chance
> Wizards of Waverly Place
> Simpsons
> American Idol
> Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana
> All the High School Musicals
> Sky High
> Horton Hears a Who
> Freaky Friday
> Get a Clue
> Hannah Montana
> iCarly
> Sonny with a Chance
> Wizards of Waverly Place
> Simpsons
> American Idol
> Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana
> All the High School Musicals
> Sky High
> Horton Hears a Who
> Freaky Friday
> Get a Clue
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Some of my favorite things
* Pizza
* Ice cream
* My guitar
* My family
* My dogs
* My frog and guinea pig
* My new earrings (they are rainbow daisies)
* Peanut butter pretzels (Hubba had these and they were TOP NOTCH!)
* My Dad's Tahoe
* School
* Books
* Cheerleading
* Cheer Clinics
* Ice cream
* My guitar
* My family
* My dogs
* My frog and guinea pig
* My new earrings (they are rainbow daisies)
* Peanut butter pretzels (Hubba had these and they were TOP NOTCH!)
* My Dad's Tahoe
* School
* Books
* Cheerleading
* Cheer Clinics
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Summer fun!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
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