Friday, September 18, 2009

It's baby time

My Mom got to watch a baby yesterday and I was so excited to come home from school and see him. I just love babies and wish that my Mom would have a baby sister for me. When I got home, Alex was sleeping, so I camped out next to him and read a book. After he woke up and ate, then I got to hold him and play with him. Babies just smell so good.
Here are some pictures that my Mom took, even Jakey helped out.



I'm going to my friends house for a sleepover tonight. I told Mom that I'm a bit nervous and what if I don't want to stay. She told me that I'd be having so much fun and wouldn't even have time to think about her and Daddy and Jakey, but if I did get sad, I could call her and she'd come get me. I hope my friend likes what I got her for her birthday, it's a really pretty pink shirt (she LOVES pink, just like me) and a Hannah book.


  1. Jojo, you are so good with little ones. I watch you with Landyn and how much he smiles around you and it just warms my heart :)

    Have a wonderful time at your sleepover! I am sure you are going to have so much fun.

    Love you lots!

  2. Jojo....your Mom wanted to have a baby sister, too! Instead she got 2 brothers. Acka and Hubba. I think she is pretty happy with what she got and wouldn't change a thing.
